Cataract services policy 2010

Cataracts are the most common cause of visual impairment and blindness worldwide.

Services for cataracts are the cornerstone of eye care services and a priority of Vision 2020: the Right to Sight.

Surgery for cataracts is highly cost effective, and good outcomes lead to improved quality of life, visual functioning and economic productivity. Sightsavers works with partners to detect, refer, manage and follow up people with cataracts in the countries where it works.

This revised policy builds on Sightsavers Strategic Framework 2009-2013 and enlarges on the change themes in relation to health, community participation and development.

Want to read more about our work?

Sightsavers and eye health
Patience from Liberia wearing her new glasses, whilst standing next to her mother, betty.
Sightsavers blog

If we have vision, we can transform universal access to spectacles

A pair of glasses can be life-changing for someone with refractive error. That’s why we’ve joined the World Health Organization’s SPECS 2030 initiative.

Sumrana Yasmin, May 2024
Arthur in the classroom, smiling while wearing his new glasses.

Sightsavers joins WHO initiative to improve access to spectacles

SPECS 2030 aims to tackle the world’s biggest cause of visual impairment by improving global access to eye care.

May 2024
An eye health doctor wearing a smart white shirt and sunglasses.
Sightsavers stories

Alinafe cuts the queues

Learn about one man's mission to make a difference in Malawi by training as an eye health specialist.