Sightsavers stories

With your help, we’ve reached people in unreachable areas of Zambia

Three siblings from Zambia smile following their trachoma treatment.

Last year, during a visit to western Zambia, we found brothers Sililo and Maimbolwa, and their sister Inutu, sitting outside their house in the village of Nambanda.

You may remember reading about the family: it was immediately clear they were suffering. All three children had visible trachoma, with weepy eyes, discharge and constant eye rubbing – and Inutu’s case looked particularly severe.

Trachoma surgeon Ndalela, head of the eye department at Senanga Health Clinic, examined Inutu first and confirmed that without treatment she would be blind within three years.

“If the children were blind, no one could go to the fields to farm”

Sightsavers trachoma doctor checking eyes in remote village

With the help of amazing sight-savers like you, we made sure that Ndalela could treat them and many other families living in this remote, hard-to-reach region.

The siblings were suffering the pain and misery of trachoma. But scroll through the image gallery below to see the transformation.

The change is incredible. The children used to stay indoors to stop the harsh sun and wind from hurting their sore eyes. Now they run around the village playing with their friends.

Straightforward antibiotic treatment for trachoma can cost just 15p, but can make a huge difference to someone’s life. Sililo and Maimbolwa are now free from trachoma,  and their sister Inutu is much better, although she will need further treatment.

All three children can now go to school, and the whole family has learned to wash their hands and faces regularly to prevent the disease from returning. Life is looking brighter for all of them. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help – thank you.

Happy family free from blinding trachoma

“The eyesight of our children is protected. We are much happier.”

Happy family free from blinding trachoma

You can help protect more children from trachoma

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Learn about our work to save sight