Can you crack our Christmas crossword?

Complete the clues to reveal the secret message hidden in our festive puzzle!

Thank you for supporting Sightsavers in 2019 and helping us to change lives around the world.

As a token of our gratitude, we’ve devised a Christmas-themed crossword with a Sightsavers twist.

The puzzle features 31 clues, one for each day in December – and a hidden message from the team! See the box for instructions on how to complete it.

Once you’ve completed the crossword, please consider making a festive donation to Sightsavers.

Your kindness could give the gift of sight to someone in desperate need and change their life forever.

How to solve the crossword

Click on a clue from the list to highlight it on the grid, then type the answer into the boxes.
On mobile, click on the grid to display the relevant clue.

Once they’re complete, the yellow circles will reveal a message!

Download print version

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Give a gift to Sightsavers

I would like to make a
donation to Sightsavers

could provide 100 people with antibiotic ointment to treat trachoma.

could protect a community against blinding trachoma.

could cover the costs of two sight-saving operations for people with advanced trachoma.

We're sorry, but the minimum donation we can take is £2
We're sorry, but we cannot process a donation of this size online. Please contact us on [email protected] for assistance donating over £10,000