Fighting disease

A man and a woman stand outside before beginning surveys for the Onchocerciaisis Elimination Mapping project.

Mapping river blindness in Mozambique

Meet Clécio and Silvia, who are helping to map river blindness in Mozambique.

A woman stands outside, holding out her hand to show medication and holding a cup in her other hand.

Turn your innovative idea into a life-changing project to help beat neglected tropical diseases

A new learning and innovation fund aims to accelerate the control and elimination efforts of five debilitating diseases. 

April 2020
A group trachoma screening for children in Zimbabwe.

New report shows how NTD programme could help fight COVID-19 in Africa

A new report suggests that Sightsavers’ leading neglected tropical disease (NTD) programmes could play an important role in mitigating the impact of COVID-19.

April 2020
Givemore Mafukidze, wearing a Sightsavers tshirt, stands with Dr Agatha Aboe.

Sightsavers is runner-up for two global development awards

A pioneer in disease elimination and a groundbreaking project to make workplaces more inclusive have been recognised by the prestigious Bond awards.

March 2020
A community worker from Sightsavers' NTDs campaign.

Interviews shine a spotlight on how a blinding disease is being eliminated

Sightsavers experts have highlighted progress being made on river blindness in two media interviews.

March 2020
A surgeon dressed in scrubs prepares for theatre

Meet Elizabeth, who’s helping to restore sight in Kenya

A decade ago, Turkana had the highest prevalence of trachoma of any county. Now thanks to eye health workers like Elizabeth, the number of cases have been severely reduced.

A woman dressed in traditional clothing poses for the camera. she is blind in her left eye.

The friend next door: how Ekeno’s neighbour saved her sight

Ekeno was experiencing terrible pain in her eyes until her neighbour Susan, a Sightsavers-trained community worker, was able to get her the help she needed.

A dam in the Cascades region, Burkina Faso.

Treating river blindness in Burkina Faso

Sightsavers is working towards the elimination of trachoma and river blindness in Burkina Faso, thanks to our partnership with L’Occitane Foundation.

Participants at a blood collection training session.

Making research count: introducing the new uptake and learning team

Sightsavers’ new research uptake and learning advisors share their efforts to make sure our research makes a real difference to the lives of people across the world.

Sightsavers, February 2020
A group of children sit on the floor at the museum listening to a talk by Sightsavers

Sightsavers teams up with the Science Museum for a special series of Astronights

Astronights gives children a fun opportunity to learn more about Sightsavers and our work.

February 2020