
Children washing themselves in a stream.

How our research is finding new ways to fight river blindness

For more than 20 years, medication has been distributed in Cameroon to stop the spread of river blindness. Yet people are still testing positive for the disease. We wanted to know why.

Three siblings from Zambia smile following their trachoma treatment.

With your help, we’ve reached the unreachable in Zambia

Last year, during a visit to western Zambia, we met brothers Sililo and Maimbolwa, and their sister Inutu. All were suffering from trachoma – but we were able to treat them, thanks to you.

A student covers one eye during an eye test at a school in India.

How we’re training teachers to spot blinding eye conditions

Mr Aahiswar is head teacher at Rangai Middle School in central India. He has been trained to screen students for vision problems so children can get the life-changing help they need.

Sightsavers surgeon Aliyu smiles with a group of children.

Meet the dancing trachoma surgeon

Aliyu A-Umar, a former trachoma surgeon in Nigeria, has an inspiring way of making people feel at ease about eye care.

Charles Ahumuza at work as an engineer.

Charles’s story

Charles Ahumuza, who is partially sighted, reveals how Sightsavers' inclusive employment programme in Uganda has helped him to fulfil his childhood dream of becoming an electrician.

Two surgeons at work in the operating theatre at Mymensingh hospital. They're wearing green scrubs.

The hospital in Bangladesh that’s restoring sight and changing lives

Robbie Peacock and Ciara Smullen travelled to the northern town of Mymensingh to visit a hospital that is saving the sight of thousands of people a year.

Eye surgeon, Doctor Msukwa in his scrubs at a hospital in Malawi.

Dr Gerald Msukwa

Dr Msukwa is an ophthalmologist in southern Malawi. He restores sight through cataract operations, and says his passion is helping children to see again.

Mary, a volunteer in Ghana, sits with three smiling children.

Meet Mary, a sight-saving volunteer

Mary, a dedicated mother of seven, used to work as a teacher. Now, she is saving sight in Asubende village in Ghana, by distributing medication to protect people from river blindness. Here you can meet some of the people she has helped.

A wide shot of the rural landscape in Nasir, South Sudan. The fields are very wet and the grass is a lush green.

Saving sight in the world’s most remote locations

Trachoma, a painful eye disease, can be easily treated with antibiotics. But the challenge is reaching the people who need treatment, particularly if they live in remote areas such as Nadir in South Sudan.

School children in Kenya sing songs outside in the sunshine.

Meeting Kenya’s health heroes

Sightsavers’ Julie Jenner meets the teachers and students who are fighting disease and preventing blindness by teaching children about good hygiene.