
A metal plate full of Indian food.

Indira Rasoi: a kitchen with a difference

In Rajasthan in northern India, an initiative run by people with disabilities is providing fresh food for the community at low prices.

In Cameroon, a schoolboy in a classroom has a drink of water after taking deworming medication.

“I don’t have a tummy ache any more!”

Hear first-hand how Sightsavers is working with GiveWell to control intestinal worms and schistosomiasis, two devastating diseases that affect thousands of children in Cameroon.

“A thing of joy”: celebrating seven years of the COUNTDOWN programme

This major research programme, which ended in 2021, has supported people with neglected tropical diseases to speak out about their illnesses and how they would like to be treated.

A man wearing sunglasses smiles with his two happy grandchildren.

“Now I can see again, I can make money to support my family”

Father and grandfather Sardar from Pakistan is the main breadwinner for his family. But his children and grandchildren faced an uncertain future when he began to develop cataracts.

Four patients wait while socially distancing for their trauchoma surgery while wearing PPE and face masks.

Eye care and COVID-19: what we’ve learned during the pandemic

Throughout the pandemic, our priority has been to restart our work quickly and safely. Sightsavers staff reveal our how eye care programmes have evolved in the past 18 months.

Safia has her eyes examined by a health worker to check for signs of trachoma.

Seeing clearly: five sight-saving stories in Benin

The Accelerate programme, supported by Sightsavers, aims to stop people going blind from trachoma. In Benin, five patients reveal how the programme has changed their lives.

A group of young children playing on a climbing frame outside a school

Education, not discrimination: Malawi’s inclusive pre-schools

An inclusive education project in Malawi is challenging stigma and changing lives by enabling young children with disabilities to attend pre-school alongside their peers.

A group of doctors in blue surgical scrubs performing eye surgery.

How trachoma surgery has changed lives in Côte d’Ivoire

As Côte d’Ivoire completes its final operations as part of the Accelerate programme to fight trachoma, hear the stories of some of the people involved.

“I’ve sat in a canoe to ensure people get their medication!”

Watch Agatha Aboe, Sightsavers’ global trachoma programme coordinator, as she tells brand ambassador Sunetra Sarker about her work to protect sight in Africa.

Students of the Bridge Academy in Kenya stand outside.

Building a career in IT with the Bridge Academy

In Kenya, a Sightsavers initative is helping young people with disabilities launch their careers. Here, some of the students share their stories.

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