Sightsavers to exhibit at Labour party conference in Liverpool

September 2024

Sightsavers is hosting a booth at the Labour party conference in Liverpool on 22-25 September to showcase the organisation’s broad range of work.

The conference will be held at ACC Liverpool, Exhibition Centre Liverpool and the Pullman hotel near the Albert Dock. It is billed as one of the largest political gatherings in Europe and last year’s event attracted more than 17,000 attendees. This year’s Labour party conference is the first to be held since Labour was elected to government after 14 years.

The Sightsavers booth, which is themed ‘We start with sight, but we don’t stop there’, will feature one of Sightsavers’ global technical directors for disease elimination, Louise Hamill. Louise has recently returned from Mozambique, where she visited researchers at the forefront of the fight to combat river blindness – a neglected tropical disease that Sightsavers has been working to eliminate for more than 70 years.

Visitors to the stand will also be able to collect the new edition of Sightsavers’ Changing Times newspaper, which features stories from young people with disabilities around the world, and take selfies with Changing Times photo booth-style frames.

From leading the UK and US governments’ flagship disability inclusion programme Inclusive Futures, to distributing 1.7 billion treatments for neglected tropical diseases, training 3.3 million community health workers and advocating for disability rights with the Equal World campaign, Sightsavers collaborates with a network of partners to create change on a global scale.

If you’re attending the conference, you can visit Sightsavers at stand A15 outside the main hall at ACC to learn more about our mission to protect sight, fight disease and promote equality for all.

Join us in advocating for change in global health and disability rights, and help build a more inclusive and equitable future. For more information, contact Anna Becker: [email protected]

A still from the Sightsavers video, showing an eye surgeon in scrubs performing an eye operation.

About Sightsavers

We start with sight, but we don’t stop there. Our vision is of a world where no one is blind from avoidable causes, and where everyone can participate equally in society.

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