Voices of the marginalised: January 2016 update

Innovative and participatory research for better and inclusive policymaking

Sightsavers, ADD International, and HelpAge International believe that in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we must develop strong and inclusive policies based on evidence, and work in collaboration with people with disabilities and older people.

Since 2012, with the support of two research institutes, our jointly led Voices of the Marginalised project has brought the perspectives of people with disabilities and older people into consideration, with the aim of sharing their experiences in terms of social, political, economic and cultural inclusion. The study was first conducted in Bangladesh, then in Tanzania.

A woman, smiling, hugs her daughter and best friend.

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Sightsavers and disability rights
Portrait pictures of Sightsavers' researchers.
Sightsavers blog

Making schools safer for children with disabilities

Dr Steven Kaindaneh and Dr Julia de Kadt explain how our new research puts children with disabilities at the centre of efforts to combat gender-based violence.

Sightsavers, December 2024
Sadah, Eunice and Shihab.
Sightsavers stories
Stories / Disability and inclusion /

The impact of inclusion: meet the changemakers

Learn how our disability-inclusive projects are helping to create a better world for everyone by supporting people like Sadah, Eunice and Shihab.

Three partners sit at a table with table name badges in front of them.

Cameroon approves landmark inclusive education policy

With Sightsavers’ support, the government of Cameroon has adopted a policy to deliver equitable inclusive education for people with disabilities.

November 2024