
A group of cataract patients smile broadly after surgery.

Kolkata Urban Comprehensive Eye Care Programme: end-of-term evaluation

The ‘Seeing is Believing’ (SiB) initiative is a global intervention aimed at tackling avoidable blindness in areas of high need.

Nazondani Mologeni, 76, having her eyes checked by OCO Harold Malinda.

Advancing Healthy Communities in East Africa: end-of-term evaluation

The programme aimed to increase access to eye health services and to reduce the cataract surgical backlog in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Villagers in Guinea involved in a project to eliminate onchocerciasis.

Elimination of onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis: strategic plan

These documents outline our current work and look at the potential for eliminating the transmission of the diseases.

A woman reads from a chart during a sight test in Mozambique.

Advancing healthy communities in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe: final evaluation

The Advancing Healthy Communities programme aimed to develop a mid-level eye care workforce to increase access to eye health services and to reduce the cataract surgical backlog in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

An older woman stands alone in Bangladesh.

Voices of the marginalised: summary

A report summary exploring what persons with disabilities and older people understand as the causes of their social, economic and political exclusion.

A smiling mother with a visual impairment hugs her young son.

Voices of the marginalised: full report

A Sightsavers project to bring the perspectives of those who live in poverty or who are highly marginalised into post-2015 policy making.

Three smiling women take a break from their packaging business.

Voices of the marginalised: summary (Bangla version)

The Bangla version of a report drawing on the real-life stories of persons with disabilities and older people in Bangladesh, as told to researchers.

A woman holding a child, smiling and standing outside a thatched dwelling.

Marsabit trachoma control project: evaluation report

The Marsabit Trachoma Control Project evaluation findings are a true reflection of what the project achieved during the CR funded period.

A mother with her son in Dhaka. He is wearing his new spectacles.

Bangladesh Dhaka Urban Comprehensive Eye Care Project: evaluation

The project aimed to strengthen eye care facilities, increase awareness of eye care among poor urban communities, and increase access to eye services.

Three children lean over a wall and fill yellow containers with water from a tap.

Kenya Marsabit Trachoma Control Programme: end-of-term evaluation

Since April 2011, we have been running a trachoma control project with Comic Relief funding in Marsabit, focusing on the scale-up of the SAFE strategy.