Sightsavers stories

“I’m really looking forward to seeing my family again”

Aziza smiles at the eye screening camp.

Aziza, from Nampula Province in Mozambique, is 81 years old and had been struggling with her eyesight for some time. But thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery, she had surgery and gained a new lease of life.

Her failing eyesight meant she was no longer able to work on her cassava farm and earn a living. “In my eyes, I have a problem. I can’t see properly; everything is blurry,” she told us.

Thankfully, as part of a project funded by People’s Postcode Lottery, she was able to attend a screening camp, where she was diagnosed with cataracts. She was referred for sight-saving surgery at a hospital a few hours’ drive away.

Just three days later, Aziza had her surgery. When she had her bandages removed, she smiled at the surgeon, able to see clearly for the first time in years. When she was up on her feet, Aziza danced and walked out of the room unassisted, laughing all the way.

When asked if there was anything she would like to say to all those who helped fund her treatment, she said: “I would thank them very much for helping me. If I had something I would give it to them, but the only thing I can say is leave everything up to God; he can repay (them) for everything they did for us.

“I can’t believe I am able to see again so soon after the screening camp and I’m really looking forward to working on my farm and seeing my family again.”

An eye health worker wearing a purple t-shirt with the People's Postcode Lottery and Sightsavers logos, standing next to a van with the Sightsavers logo on the door.

About People’s Postcode Lottery

Thanks to players of People's Postcode Lottery, we are able to change lives around the world.

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Sightsavers and eye health

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