Charitable trusts and foundations are integral to Sightsavers’ work. Your generosity, matched with our expertise, can transform lives and communities worldwide.
Charitable trusts and foundations are integral to Sightsavers’ work. Your generosity, matched with our expertise, can transform lives and communities worldwide.
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On this page
Globally, 2.2 billion people have a visual impairment, but almost half of this can be prevented or treated.
Sightsavers works in more than 30 countries to treat eye conditions such as cataracts, prevent blinding diseases and advocate for the rights of people with blindness and other disabilities.
Since our work began in 1950, we’ve helped to carry out more than 11.8 million sight-saving eye operations, distributed more than 1.6 billion disease treatments and given out 6 million pairs of spectacles.
But we need your support to ensure everyone can get the help they need.
To discuss how your charitable trust or foundation could support Sightsavers’ vital work, contact our trusts team:
Richard Poole, global trusts manager
+44 (0)1444 227862,
Silvia Marucelli, global trusts manager
+44 (0)1444 446600,
We’re delighted to be recognised for our work, and hope it helps our partners feel confident that we’re spending our funds wisely.
Our latest awardsWe want to work with philanthropists who share our ambitious vision and can help us make an impact around the globe.
We’re proud to be a leader in our field: we have 75 years of experience, and our projects consistently achieve high ratings from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Our work directly contributes to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For in-depth information about our work, read our strategy documents.
As a young child, Arif had a cataract operation funded by Sightsavers. The treatment has transformed his life, enabling him to thrive at school, and later to leave home and find a job.
Read Arif’s storyYour long-term contribution means we can invest in large-scale projects for a specific cause, such as distributing deworming medication in schools.
How GiveWell is funding our work
An unrestricted one-off or annual donation enables us to swiftly respond and adapt our work during unforeseen emergencies, such as COVID-19.
How we adapted to the pandemic
An annual or monthly gift means we can plan ahead and help even more people in need by developing new, innovative ways to protect sight.
Our pioneering work on digital health
Funding from Alcon Foundation is supporting Sightsavers’ inclusive eye health work in Nampula province in northern Mozambique.
Funding from Astellas Global Health Foundation is helping us to treat four neglected tropical diseases in Guinea-Bissau.
Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) is supporting the Accelerate programme to eliminate trachoma in at least eight countries.
Sightsavers works in partnership with Conrad N Hilton Foundation to eliminate trachoma in Mali and Tanzania and help provide cataract surgery.
Funding from ELMA Foundation is supporting the Accelerate programme, which aims to eliminate trachoma in eight African countries.
Sightsavers’ partnership with Eurofins Foundation is supporting our rural eye health programme in Uttar Pradesh in northern India.
GiveWell assessed our deworming work for a seventh year, recommending grants of $16.9 million for projects in Cameroon, DRC, Chad and Nigeria.
Our work with the Global Institute for Disease Elimination (GLIDE) aims to help eliminate river blindness and other neglected tropical diseases in Africa.
Sightsavers was awarded a grant of $300,000 from the IZUMI Foundation to treat 4.1 million people at risk of river blindness in Ghana.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has supported us since 2019, funding eye health work in Malawi, Mozambique and Sierra Leone.
Our partnership with Open Road Alliance is helping to fund our NTD projects to eliminate river blindness in Guinea-Bissau.
A two-year grant from Pears Foundation is supporting our work to help Ethiopia move closer to eliminating trachoma.
We can only fulfil our mission thanks to the generosity of our supporters. We aim to be as transparent as possible so you can be sure your money is used wisely.
We focus on more than 30 low and middle income countries in Africa and Asia: in 2020 we carried out more than six million eye examinations in these countries.
Gathering and disseminating research evidence is the best way to ensure our programmes meet the needs of the people they are designed to serve.
© 2025 Sightsavers. Registered in the UK as Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind, charity numbers 207544 and SC038110.