Sightsavers’ programmes began in Africa in the 1950s, and we now work in more than 30 countries across Africa and Asia.
Sightsavers’ programmes began in Africa in the 1950s, and we now work in more than 30 countries across Africa and Asia.
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Sightsavers’ first programmes started in the 1950s in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Nigeria.
In the 1960s and 1970s our work expanded into Asia, with our first projects in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and we continued to extend our work into several other African countries. Most recently, we started work in Yemen in 2018.
We now work in more than 30 countries, and have project offices in 25 of these countries. We also have fundraising offices in the UK, Ireland, United States, Italy and Norway.
When Angeshita regained her independence after her eye operation, so did her family. After caring for her for several years. they are now able to return to school and work, giving them all hope for the future.
Learn about one man's mission to make a difference in his community in rural Malawi by training as an eye health specialist. Now, long queues at the eye clinic are a thing of the past.
Now in its sixth year, the Accelerate programme has already delivered 53 million treatments to protect people from trachoma, and managed 91,000 advanced cases of the disease.
© 2025 Sightsavers. Registered in the UK as Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind, charity numbers 207544 and SC038110.